
What I'm up to at this point in my life

This Now page was last updated on Wednesday, May 1, 2024. It sits in the long Internet tradition of outlining what I would tell a friend I hadn't seen in a year or two. If you'd like to learn more about this tradition, I advise you to read this article by Derek Sivers, the inventor of the Now page.

Here I am at the Gerimedica office, posing for an employer branding photoshoot. I usually don’t use that whiteboard to draw anything, but that is my desk in the background, and that smile is genuine. I gave a great talk at our periodic company update, and I feel I’m doing good work that helps the company reach its goals. It’s a good day. The days have been good.

Right now, I’m

  • At home in Amsterdam’s Indische Buurt, where I share a small shoebox with Anja and Lemonade. We are childless child-free and enjoying every bit of it.
  • Enjoying the alternation of sunny and rainy days
  • Appreciating how the environment of Amsterdam allows me to meet new people almost everywhere I go
  • Helping out at All Saints to make it the church I need it to be
  • Working out again and loving it
  • Making music in my spare time, and moving slowly as I set up my personal space for recording and writing
  • Trying to bring my ideas and experiences into my writing more