IndieWeb Carnival December 2024: Belief

As we approach the end of 2024 (wow, already?!) I’m pleased to do something I have been anticipating for months: host the December 2024 edition of the IndieWeb Carnival ( What is that?).

The theme is belief

It’s an open theme, one that I hope will inspire you to share whatever pops into your head when you think about it. A few prompts to merely inspire you:

  • What is something you can’t know, but that you believe?
  • What’s something you wish you could unbelieve?
  • How do you relate to the word “belief”?


  1. Submit in English or any language open to online translation tools
  2. Submit in any medium as long as it produces a single URL
  3. Send it to me on or before December 31, 2024
  4. Use the email address zinzy {at} pm {.} me and the subject “IndieWeb Carnival on Belief”

As always, I need some time to digest this theme myself. A link to my post will appear on this page. I’ll publish a round-up post of submissions on January 1, 2025. I was able to quickly jot down some thoughts of my own while compiling the list of submissions right before I went in for a week-long hospital stay.

Thank you in advance for participating. I’m looking forward to learning from your perspective!

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I'm Zinzy Waleson Geene, a diary-keeper, designer, and community builder in Amsterdam. Say hello! I like serendipity on the web.