Things tagged # poem


    The blonde

    At the end of the shopping street for people who look like they do in the magazines there’s a blonde marching in place waiting for the light to turn green. She is not running per se, rather she’s hinting at running. Selling it, the way Charlize Theron sells a night to remember in a perfume commercial with next to nothing for evidence. Me, a tired mother, and a tennis player with wet hair

    Films about White people

    Sometimes I feel that I am a bad Black girl because whenever my white girlfriend and I sift through Netflix Prime Video or anything with a reasonable trial period and she says “let’s watch this movie or that” featuring Black stories I instead elect to watch a white narrative because it’s nice to forget about racism and the teacher who called me a monkey and the no one who called him

    Family, or notes from the battlefield

    As soon as she hands you the gift you know it’s another one “Trans Life Survivors” says the cover “Merry Christmas!” says your sister you have only been using they/them pronouns in private for a year or so it’ll look so beautiful next to the ex-gay book your other sister presented to you on your birthday last month At family dinner you spend bathroom breaks in your childhood bedroom five in total

    The end of cute

    I have a friend who is so mad at the pandemic that he went on a six-day crack bender just to prove it “I’ve deleted the numbers of all my dealers as well as the man who changed my mind” he tells me His eyes reflect a me judging him for him and I am I have deleted numbers deleted apps food versions of my self myself “Also I saw your

    How to be Black

    Steer clear of Adidas; obtain a degree in Dutch language and literature; wear my aunt’s glasses until I eventually need my own prescription; don’t eat fried chicken; proclaim I’m a fan of Michel Houellebecq; don’t go to a black hair salon; enrol in theological seminary; don’t listen to RnB; date a person blacker than me; date a person whiter than me; don’t eat watermelon; say I’m ‘accidentally black’ because my mother met my father while on vacation and I missed by only an inch the opportunity to be born to a white father who was a doctor, by the way; eat bananas only after I cut them into bite-size chunks that I eat with a fork, just to make sure I don’t remind anyone of a monkey; don’t listen to rap music; learn difficult words.