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An overview of extra content

I’m trying something new! Instead of spreading information across a number of pages, I’m combining everything into one omake page, inspired by Ruben Schade.

  • Name: Zinzy Waleson Geene
  • Pronunciation: ZIN-zee WHALE-sun GHEE-n
  • Pronouns: They/she
  • Beverage: Cold water
  • Beverage (alternative): Cold milk
  • Animal: Duck
  • Monster: Godzilla
  • Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Spelling: American English
  • Language: Hebrew
Beliefs about beliefs
  • Opinions, beliefs, and values may change over time and that's okay
About myself
  • I am an optimist
  • I make mistakes
  • My intuition will always be able to lead the way
  • My emotions are my responsibility (Gregology)
  • My questions are relevant
  • I'm great at finding connections with others
  • At heart I'm a cultural relativist
Spirituality and religion
  • I take the Bible too seriously to take it literally
  • What we do trumps what we believe
  • Christian culture is concerned too much with what's to come and not enough with what is
  • Jesus is my teacher, not my savior
  • Studying the Bible in its historical, literary, and liturgical context is an important tool to better understand the cultures in which it has become or has been dominant
People and relationships
  • People try to do what they think will make the world a better place, even if that means its destruction
  • Strangers don't often expect kindness. It can be a spark for a great friendship.
  • Everybody's lives are infinitely complex, vulnerable, precious, and potential, just like mine.
  • White isn't a color unless it's a skin color
  • Seeing yourself in other people is crucial to developing a healthy sense of self
  • No adult person should be forced to carry on a relationship with family members.
  • Some people shouldn't have children.
  • Sometimes, going no contact with a parent is the least damaging option.
  • Everyone has their own way of saying 'I love you
  • People who bring children or pets into public spaces such as coffee shops and expect others to be responsible for them shouldn't be free to leave the house
Culture and society
  • It's pronounced 'Timothy Charmander'
  • Seeing your experiences and standpoint reflected in media is crucial to developing a healthy sense of self
  • It's good to have one website as your central point of communication with the Internet
  • To learn about a group of people, look at the stories they tell themselves and others
  • History is told by the winner, and sometimes by the loudest
Politics and policies
  • No political system is flawless, some are worse than others
  • Both revolution and evolution are required for change
  • Ones politics cannot be seen separately from ones character and conduct. Sometimes, it's not possible to 'engage with someone despite your different views', because of the implications those views have
  • Abortion and birth control should be easily accessible to every human on earth
  • Life starts at conception, and whoever carries the life is the only person who gets to decide what happens to it
  • Drug abuse is a disease, not a crime
  • Reparations for the transatlantic slave trade are necessary, in the form of investing in deep anti-racist education
Health and well-being
  • Diet culture is dangerous
  • Eating disorders are not about food
  • Education should be affordable for every human on earth
  • Discomfort is where growth happens
  • I learn best when I can do it top-down
  • Praise in public, criticize in private
  • Don't work overtime unless required
  • I learn best when I can do it top-down
  • The product designer should conduct user research
  • The product designer should be a PO's sidekick
  • I am intrinsically motivated, and will struggle with anything that I must do based on extrinsic motivation
  • Practice yin yoga to train your quietude muscle, and tolerance of discomfort
  • Wash your face every day, and moisturize properly.
  • Buy simple black t-shirts and wear one every day
  • Dress in calm tones, have one splash of style (glasses, weird socks)
Personal productivity
  • I am intrinsically motivated, and will struggle with anything that I must do based on extrinsic motivation
  • Practice yin yoga to train your quietude muscle, and tolerance of discomfort
  • Wash your face every day, and moisturize properly.
  • Buy simple black t-shirts and wear one every day
  • One notebook for everything is enough
  • Tools do not matter
Nitty gritty
  • Treat or split the tab; don't try to remember who owes who what
  • Carnations are the best flowers
  • Growing plants is more fun when the plants are small
  • People in their early- to mid-thirties should have access to Pokémon Red on a floppy disk, as well as a device on which to play it
  • Ironing is a calming activity
  • Neon candles are usually the most beautiful candles
Media favorites
  • _Halloween_ is the best horror movie franchise, in the very first place because of the blatant disregard the films have for one another.
  • Carnations are the best flowers
  • Growing plants is more fun when the plants are small
  • People in their early- to mid-thirties should have access to Pokémon Red on a floppy disk, as well as a device on which to play it
  • Ironing is a calming activity
  • Neon candles are usually the most beautiful candles
Where I've lived
  • 🇳🇱 Roermond
  • 🇳🇱 Eindhoven
  • 🇳🇱 Utrecht
  • 🇳🇱 Haarlem
  • 🇳🇱 Amsterdam
Visited in Europe
  • Sweden
  • Belgium
  • England
  • Greece
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • 🇩🇪 Berlin
  • 🇩🇪 Baden-Württemberg
  • 🇩🇪 Nordrhein-Westfalen
  • 🇵🇹 Lisbon
  • 🇵🇹 Algarve
  • 🇵🇱 Warsaw
  • Spain
  • Luxembourg
Visited in Asia
  • 🇮🇳 Gujarat
Visited in North America
  • 🇺🇸 San Francisco
  • 🇺🇸 New York City
Travel wish list
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Iceland
  • South Korea
  • Israel
  • Morocco
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
Places I'm scared to visit as a Black person
  • Italy
  • Japan
Sites I like
Friends and acquaintances
Internet buddies
(Personal) sites I like